You Probably Found Yourself Here Because…

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Hi, I’m Bree

Nurse Practitioner | Educator | Career Strategist

Overwhelmed by the “saturated” NP market?

Exhausted after the endless cycle of interviewing without offers?



NP Job interview, How to interview for a NP job, NP interview questions




NP school entrance interview tips, how to write an NP school entrance essay


You Are Not Alone

Nursing schools prepare us to be health care providers, but they don’t teach us how to land jobs.

It’s scary enough tackling the academic and financial burden of graduate school, much less worrying about job availability. Once you do get an interview, the last thing you want is to blow it because you let your nerves win the battle.

The answer is simple. Interview skills are not a special talent possessed by the chosen few. It is an easily learned technique that you too can develop with a little time and effort.

This is for you if you need help securing your dream career, fellowship, or school acceptance! Join these and many many more anonymous friends who felt the same, but with my help are now working exactly where they want to be!


How to find a nurse practitioner job



Nurse Practitioner Interview Success
Nurse Practitioner Interview tips







Interview Services


Critical care nurse practitioner, ICU NP tips, How to become proficient as an ICU provider, Critical care topics
Critical care nurse practitioner, ICU NP tips, How to become proficient as an ICU provider, Critical care topics
Critical care nurse practitioner, ICU NP tips, How to become proficient as an ICU provider, Critical care topics

Critical Care

Critical Care

I recall the difficulty faced when traversing my nurse practitioner journey. Overwhelmed at the end of each clinical rotation; burned out at the end of every shift as a new NP; disheartened that I would ever feel competent much less confident . Especially in the ICU where the knowledge requirement is vast and the problems are truly life and death.

But I learned so much about medicine, critical care, and about myself along my tumultous path. I learned that we all have a unique way of arriving here; that my journey was my own. That hard work, systems, and self grace are crucial to achieving competence.

New ICU NP tips, how to write ICU notes, Doctor notes in ICU, Progress note writing for nurse practitioners, new ICU APP, new ICU PA, new ICU NP, NP school, ICU NP newbie
I discovered my mission : to teach, guide, and inspire the next generation of nurse practitioners so that together we can impact the lives of many.
The Acute Care Lab
One time

✓ Access to 24 Video Lectures
✓ Downloads To Slides For All Lectures
✓ Downloads For 6 Templates, Visual Aids, Charts

Educational material dedicated to helping you level up your ICU skills.

  • What It Is:

    • A library of 24 educational videos with associated lecture slides and adjunct templates/visual aids teaching provider management of the acute patient.

  • How It Is Different:

    • Teaching style begins with a brief review of pathophysiology so that you can understand the why before the how. Most lectures include a case study and focus on application.

    • Presentation style is dynamic and casual - I despise attending lectures where an academic reads words from a power point.

    • Evidence based with reference links as well as a focus on the most helpful resources to add to your arsenal.

  • Who It Is For:

    • Ideal for anyone new to ICU level of care. The content is focused on patho-physiology and management and is intended to train new ICU providers.

    • Members have included nurses, respiratory therapists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, EMS providers, even a medical resident.

Free resources to support your educational needs…

Books to help you streamline note writing

The Ultimate H&P Cheatsheet and It’s Companion

Here’s a quick video describing the cheatsheet.

When I started my career I stayed late. Every. Single. Day.

This was mostly because note writing was time consuming in the early days.

It all changed once I realized the power of developing systems to automate the work.

Let me introduce you to my friend, “dot phrase.” Aka “smart phrase.” Whatever you call them they are manna from heaven. If you spend time creating these electronic medical record shortcuts you will dramatically increase your efficiency.

Each book includes 11 of the most common ICU problems and the associated smart phrases you should build in your EMR. It includes teaching and sample dot phrases for your edit and copy paste delight!

Time to get home on time!

The Ultimate H&P Cheatsheet, ICU note writing, New ICU nurse practitioner, how to write a progress note, critical care problems, dot phrases, smart phrases for ICU
I need to tell you your Cheatsheet has changed my life. I have one year as a hospitalist NP but transitioned to the ICU 12 weeks ago ... I absolutely appreciate you.
— Seelina Leewright, Nurse Practitioner

Mentoring Services

Sign up here to receive your FREE copy of the H&P workup template AND “Is this the right job for me? 52 questions to ask the employer”