Clinical Pearls: Intubation Starts Here
Beyond practicing the technique of intubating, nurse practitioners should spend time learning to identify the patients at risk of cardiac arrest. If you can put a finger on the major risk, there are definite strategies you can employ to improve odds of success without decline. In this article, I discuss specific approaches to: GIB/vomiting, hypoxia, shock, asthma, and metabolic acidosis.

Clinical Pearls:What’s up with the lactate?
In 2001 a research article was published expounding early goal directed therapy as a treatment strategy for sepsis. Key points in the article suggest that physical exam findings are subpar for directing resuscitation and that measures such as lactate, SCVO2, base deficit, and pH are more accurate measures of adequate treatment. There were certainly other factors, and the take home message was to find the source and start antibiotics early, but volume resuscitate until tissue hypoxia improves was the practical application of this research. As a result lactic acidosis has become a bad omen to be feared by all. Several guideline updates have since been published, the most recent in 2021 with weak evidence to suggest using lactate as an end-point measurement. Practically speaking though, the word is out that a high lactate = bad bad badness. I’m not saying it isn’t bad, but there are plenty of reasons why an elevated lactate alone is not the end of the world. In this post we’ll discuss causes for lactate elevation, what should be cause for alarm and what shouldn’t, and how to manage it.

Clinical Pearls: VBG vs ABG
There is a legitimate reason why ER providers consistently order a VBG over an ABG and the ICU provider then may or may not believe the VBG choosing to tack on an ABG instead.
Many patients in the hospital require assessment of their acid base balance and oxygenation/ventilation status which is best quantified from serum arterial samples. Additionally, the ABG provides expedited lab results such as hemoglobin, potassium and other electrolytes, and lactic acid. These values are very helpful in making a rapid diagnosis and treatment plan. A venous blood gas seems to be the standard replacement for an arterial blood gas in the emergency department. It does offer some benefits, but has limitations as well which should be acknowledged.
The focus of this article is to describe the pros/cons of using a VBG as a surrogate, the exclusion criteria, and the method of converting a VBG to an ABG.

Clinical Pearls: DIC
One of the rare and weird things in medicine that combine a dramatic constellation of opposites. Caring for someone in the throes of badness from two dichotomous problems leaves one in a state of floundering. Do I treat the clotting or do I treat the bleeding? What will kill them first? It’s universally known that getting the diagnosis of disseminated intravascular coagulation is a dreaded event. DIC is a downstream complication that arises late in the game with several diagnoses that we see in the ICU, and unfortunately in our maternal population. Every time an OB calls our team to see or transfer a patient to ICU my shoulders instantly feel tense. Let’s talk about the pathophysiology behind this dreaded state and what our treatment options really are.

Clinical Pearls: Liver Failure
Oh the ways the liver can fail. As a new nurse practitioner this one was hard to get down. Cardiology is generally seen as the bee all end all when it comes to keeping our bodies running, but I’d like to talk about the under appreciated liver. Hepatology is fascinating because the normal function of the liver is supremely multi-faceted. Throw in a little pathology and any number of pathways can be deranged and within those any degree of severity can be seen. From acute to chronic to acute-on-chronic, severity can run the gamut. Decompensated cirrhosis is a common killer in most ICU’s. Given how poorly understood this disease state is, I’d like to talk about the complexity, progression, prognosis, and management of liver failure in the intensive care unit.

Clinical Pearls: Evaluating For Intubation
When is it time to say it’s time? I think back on the really bad days of the pandemic when I walked from room to room asking myself this question repeatedly. Honestly, for intensive care unit level covid that’s what it felt like - a few random meds that typically didn’t help, supportive care, and careful vigilance for when it was time to go on the dreaded vent. Our patients feared it, our families feared it; it was the elephant in the room every time you walked in. Outside of covid pneumonia, there are a million reasons why a patient needs mechanical vent support and failing lungs are just one component. This is a very common question I get asked when I am training a nurse practitioner student Here’s how I approach evaluating a patient for intubation need.

Clinical Pearl: Status Asthmaticus
Not a common problem in most ICU’s, but you do get the occasional severe case of asthma. When you do, it can get a little hairy. Mostly because these are generally young people and there’s only so much you can do. Sort of like Covid when it gets bad, there’s not much to offer. You provide the medicine, the supportive devices and wait for their bodies to heal themselves. Same with asthma, you order the standard treatment and then pray it doesn’t get to a point where you have to intubate. In large part, our primary goal in ICU asthma is to not make them worse with counter-intuitive ventilator strategies. Let’s talk asthma.

Clinical Pearls: Waveform Capnography
End tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) measures exhaled carbon dioxide, it therefore reflects the efficacy with which CO2 is pumped back to the lungs (indirect measurement of cardiac output) and then exhaled (ventilation). Waveform Capnography is a continuous tracing, or waveform, of ETCO2. It is very useful when assessed as a trend.

The Best Nurse Practitioner Podcasts
Are you an avid auditory learner? I’m slightly obsessed with podcasts. I tend to go on benders based on what is going on in my life. I listened exclusively to travel podcasts for eighteen months when I planned a European trip a few years ago. I have always liked to use podcasts as an adjunct to my professional education as a nurse practitioner. IMO it’s hard to utilize them exclusively just because the search functions are not as robust (there’s a lot to dig through to find one talk about a subject like normal labs, etc) and the content is long. But, once you find a quality show that addresses your specific population it’s great to listen to on a more regular basis (versus a search approach). The nuggets of wisdom you can garner from these discussions can greatly impact your practice. You may have to be willing to wait for them, but if you were going to be doing the dishes anyway, why not multi-task? In this post I will share my favorite podcasts (which are mostly ICU): what I love about them and how I use the info in my career as an ICU nurse practitioner.