Do you have an upcoming interview for a position you can’t afford to lose??
Let’s talk performance.
Apples to apples, when 10 NP’s interview for one spot and they are highly comparable in their skills and experience level, one factor sets the winning candidate apart.
Period. People hire for personality. Skills can be taught, but your connection with a team is what creates work-place happiness.
Let’s talk strategy.
How do you highlight your winning personality?
By not allowing nerves to ruin your presentation.
You control nerves through preparation and practice. Rehearsed, out-loud practice - preferably with a professional within your career niche.
This is how you perfect your technique and gain confidence which mitigates anxiety. This clarity allows your light to shine brightly.
They won’t be able to forget you.
Let’s talk about getting you a job…
Start by learning how to harness your inner interview expert. Yes. You. This is a very teachable skill set that we all have within us.
A digital course teaching you the three pillars of interviewing like a business professional: Preparation | Practice | Performance
Click the button above to see sample material and read reviews for this risk free investment in your future.
And then hone your skills with practice via a mock interview
Mock Interview
30-45 minutes of questions
Unique questions crafted to your specific background experience and work goals
Targeted focus on your specific weaknesses
30-45 minutes of feedback
General strategy suggestions
Open time for remaining questions at the end
Video recording of your mock interview
Resume review (a $100 value)
Send An Email Requesting A Scheduling Date Here:
“Talent will get you in the door, character will keep you in the room.”
Or for those with budget constraints, purchase the Interview PDF Packet
These are the written resources provided in the interview digital course. These documents are helpful if you are a DIY type and just need to be pointed in the right direction.
Research Worksheet (where you start when it comes to self reflection as well as employer research).
Resources (suggested additional interview resources).
The great list of transferable skills (how you define your talents).
Practice Evaluation (your checklist for evaluating your practice performance).
The big list of questions they can ask you (broken down into behavioral and non-behavioral and grouped by similarity).
Questions to ask the employer - is this a good fit for me?
Questions to ask the employer is this a good fit for them?
Questions to avoid asking.
A sample follow up email to send after the interview.