You were created to do hard things
One on One Consultations
It all begins with a question, perhaps a debilitating dilemma. You’ve scoured the net and consumed every Youtube video out there and you still don’t have the answers you need. When I was debating going back to school I suffered from paralysis by analysis and really needed a sounding board, someone to help guide me. And let’s face it, there just aren’t many NP’s out there to ask. Beware the forums - people will give you varied responses and it is very easy to fall into the cherry-picking-the-advice-I-want-to-hear rabbit hole.
My mission in starting this social media journey was to fill this void and serve as the mentor I wished I’d had.
If you need nursing advise I can help with that as well. I worked in five different specialties and averaged a new interview/job every two years during my sixteen year tenure as an RN.
Your 60 minute video call is yours to drive as you wish. You can ask anything you like. Let me know your topics of interest so I can focus the conversation and make best use of your time. You will receive
Video recording of our call. Don’t stress on taking notes.
Any documents created for you. Commonly drafted pieces include:
Personalized school comparison chart
School entrance essay review/edit
Resume review
Links to any references suggested.
Copies of relevant PDF guides as suggested in the call
Common Topics
Career strategy
What specialty, practice setting, degree do I need?
Should I go back to school or not?
Is it feasible to go back to school with all that’s on my plate?
Which school should I choose?
Job acquisition
Resume review
General interview strategy
For most cases a mock interview will better serve your needs. However, if you are on a tighter budget we can talk in generalities in a consultation and still improve your performance.
Contract negotiation
How to excel in clinicals
School entrance help - general overview of essay/interview strategy.
Help with writing an entrance essay.
General approach for nursing residency application / interviewing strategy.