The Perfect NP Student
If you are a student reading this, you are already in the top 5% my friend. How am I so omniscient you ask? Well, after serving as a preceptor for the last five years or so I’ve seen all sorts of students. We all are unique and bring different skills, backgrounds, and personalities to the learning space. This should be celebrated, the world would be awfully boring if we all were the same. Having said that, there are trends I see amongst nurse practitioner students, and some of them are not so great. I’m going to tell you what IMO I believe makes for a fabulous student in clinical rotations; one we want to hire. Arguably one of the best qualities is beginning with the end in mind. Those who prepare in advance are not amongst the majority, so congratulations for being an elite! Clinicals are your #1 source for job acquisition, so you want to show up with your A game!

Nurse Practitioner Boards Preparation
After one has achieved the degree, put in the herculean effort to study, stressed beyond reason, hyper-fixated on all the possible outcomes, and then stood in this place of last minute test anxiety, bargaining with one’s maker is where you may find yourself. Based on the conversations I have with NP students I precept and online / via my mentoring business, I can confidently say only a tiny fraction of new grads are immune to this fear. There are some things out of our control as a neophyte, but boards preparation is not one of them. Taking control of how you ready yourself for this exam definitely impacts anxiety level as well as success rate. In this post I will discuss the best way to prepare for your nurse practitioner board certification exam