Job Options For AGACNP Nurse Practitioners
It is a common occurrence that NPs who I talk with personally or read about in forums indicate they do not understand the possible roles they can serve as an adult gero acute care nurse practitioner. Most people see that certification and think “I don’t want to be an ICU NP; not choosing that path.” The purpose of this article is to highlight the many, many different pathways you can take with your AGACNP certification. Obviously, being an acute care NP I possess some bias, especially given my personal job acquisition experience (more on that later). Having disclosed that, I do want to add that I speak with around 50 NPs a year who represent primarily FNP and ACNP certifications and am aware of the national trends in hiring. Trust me when I say, I’d be willing to bet there are far more possibilities out there for you as an ACNP than you realize.

What To Look For In An NP School
A simple google search for your desired nurse practitioner program will yield multiple pages of results. Starting with paid ads. Some seem legit, some seem sketch. So you go to FB forums only to see mixed results and lots of heated online arguments. So you ask people you know at the hospital, turns out they all go to the same one or two in your area that maybe doesn’t fit your needs. You do some deep introspection and honestly aren’t sure what you need anyways. Why is there no objective checklist out there in the world? Some tool that allows for school comparison and advice about what to choose? This is the blog for you my friend. In this discussion I’’ll give you the big list of variables to consider.

The Perfect NP Student
If you are a student reading this, you are already in the top 5% my friend. How am I so omniscient you ask? Well, after serving as a preceptor for the last five years or so I’ve seen all sorts of students. We all are unique and bring different skills, backgrounds, and personalities to the learning space. This should be celebrated, the world would be awfully boring if we all were the same. Having said that, there are trends I see amongst nurse practitioner students, and some of them are not so great. I’m going to tell you what IMO I believe makes for a fabulous student in clinical rotations; one we want to hire. Arguably one of the best qualities is beginning with the end in mind. Those who prepare in advance are not amongst the majority, so congratulations for being an elite! Clinicals are your #1 source for job acquisition, so you want to show up with your A game!