Clinical Pearls: Is it DKA or HHS?
Should be pretty straight forward, but even amongst seasoned providers this can sometimes be debatable. Especially when you don’t have all the labs back. Often we are called to admit a patient for DKA because they do not seem appropriate for a routine floor or even step-down ICU admission. The Internal Medicine/Hospitalist team may not feel comfortable taking a patient but on your evaluation they do not seem to be on the severe end of the spectrum. You aren’t alone, my friend. Let’s talk about admitting a DKA vs HHS patient and how you make a diagnosis.

When Should You Start Job Applications
January…the month following December graduation. It’s a joyous time, and you absolutely should be celebrating. But what comes next? What I see across the nurse practitioner forums and social media are two big concerns: board exams and job acquisition. I wrote about board certification and how to prep for this a few weeks ago; today I’d like to focus on a topic that I think half the people are getting wrong. That is timing for job application. Many NP students ask when is the right time and the responses are mixed. On a recent post I tallied it was completely split 50/50. Half the people felt you should apply while in school and half felt you should wait until exam and licensing is complete. My argument is that if you are waiting until the latter you are behind the eight ball. Statistically speaking, I know this is likely to stress out half of you and that is not my goal. Hear me out, there are many reasons why I advocate for earlier efforts. Let’s talk about job applications.

Nurse Practitioner Boards Preparation
After one has achieved the degree, put in the herculean effort to study, stressed beyond reason, hyper-fixated on all the possible outcomes, and then stood in this place of last minute test anxiety, bargaining with one’s maker is where you may find yourself. Based on the conversations I have with NP students I precept and online / via my mentoring business, I can confidently say only a tiny fraction of new grads are immune to this fear. There are some things out of our control as a neophyte, but boards preparation is not one of them. Taking control of how you ready yourself for this exam definitely impacts anxiety level as well as success rate. In this post I will discuss the best way to prepare for your nurse practitioner board certification exam