Clinical Pearls: Ventilator Modes 101
There are a number of reasons why ventilators are confusing, and I’ll break down how to simplify these factors in this blog post. But the big takeaway is this: just because a patient seems controlled well on the vent does not mean he is; do not leave the task of interpreting the vent and the patient’s response to the vent to others. It is incumbent on you to educate yourself about what the knobs, numbers, and waveforms mean in order to better treat your patient. Let’s talk vent basics and it starts with understanding the mode.

Clinical Pearls: Procedures Performed In An ICU
What exactly can I do as an AGACNP working in an ICU? Commonly encountered question with the answer being fairly straight forward, with a little variation. Several factors exist which effect routine practice and this includes your training, your credentials (with the hospital), the comfort level of your attending, and the culture of scope allowance at your specific workplace. I’ve worked places where I do it all, and places where I do less. I find this varies most by work team structure and culture. The more staff available, including medical trainees the fewer procedures you will likely perform. Most students are aware of the common procedures we perform (central lines, dialysis catheters, and arterial lines) but there are a whole host of procedures we could perform. In this article I’ll discuss the myriad technical skills we as nurse practitioners can learn and perform to contribute to patient care.