When Should You Start Job Applications
January…the month following December graduation. It’s a joyous time, and you absolutely should be celebrating. But what comes next? What I see across the nurse practitioner forums and social media are two big concerns: board exams and job acquisition. I wrote about board certification and how to prep for this a few weeks ago; today I’d like to focus on a topic that I think half the people are getting wrong. That is timing for job application. Many NP students ask when is the right time and the responses are mixed. On a recent post I tallied it was completely split 50/50. Half the people felt you should apply while in school and half felt you should wait until exam and licensing is complete. My argument is that if you are waiting until the latter you are behind the eight ball. Statistically speaking, I know this is likely to stress out half of you and that is not my goal. Hear me out, there are many reasons why I advocate for earlier efforts. Let’s talk about job applications.

Clinical Pearl: Status Asthmaticus
Not a common problem in most ICU’s, but you do get the occasional severe case of asthma. When you do, it can get a little hairy. Mostly because these are generally young people and there’s only so much you can do. Sort of like Covid when it gets bad, there’s not much to offer. You provide the medicine, the supportive devices and wait for their bodies to heal themselves. Same with asthma, you order the standard treatment and then pray it doesn’t get to a point where you have to intubate. In large part, our primary goal in ICU asthma is to not make them worse with counter-intuitive ventilator strategies. Let’s talk asthma.

The Questions You Ask In Your RN/NP Interview Matter…More Than You Think
The most crucial phase of the nurse practitioner interview is when you ask questions of the interviewer. Do not sleep on this golden opportunity to sell yourself!