Clinical Pearls: Evaluating For Intubation
When is it time to say it’s time? I think back on the really bad days of the pandemic when I walked from room to room asking myself this question repeatedly. Honestly, for intensive care unit level covid that’s what it felt like - a few random meds that typically didn’t help, supportive care, and careful vigilance for when it was time to go on the dreaded vent. Our patients feared it, our families feared it; it was the elephant in the room every time you walked in. Outside of covid pneumonia, there are a million reasons why a patient needs mechanical vent support and failing lungs are just one component. This is a very common question I get asked when I am training a nurse practitioner student Here’s how I approach evaluating a patient for intubation need.

NP vs RN: Differences in employment structure
This topic comes from a question I received from a client asking to explain how nurse practitioners fit into a physician run group. She expressed her surprise to learn that many APPs and physicians who work in a hospital are not employed by the hospital and asked for feedback about how this works and how nurse practitioners fit into this model. I definitely understand this confusion. As nurses, we are used to standard hospital or health system employment with clear hierarchical management. In this post I’ll talk about my experience with this and the main differences between NPs and RNs in regards to:
Who employs you.
Who manages/directs you.
How you get paid.
Who your colleagues are.

Nurse Practitioner Fellowships
When I say fellowship, I’m really referring to two types of post-graduate training: nurse practitioner residency and nurse practitioner fellowship. What’s the difference? A residency is more general and encompasses a broader scope of practice. It may be a longer time frame as well, most range between 6-12 months. It is ideal for someone who had little bedside experience or sub-par education in school (be it academic or clinical). A fellowship on the other hand is specialized and has a particular focus of interest. It is ideal for someone who has a strong sense of what they want to do and/or lack the opportunity to find a way into the niche.