Clinical Pearls: Shock
Diagnosing the type of shock your patient is exhibiting is clutch when it comes to appropriately treating. Yes, Levophed is our quarterback when it comes to pressor selection, for good reason. But you need to have a darn good understanding of what it can and cannot do, when it is not the ideal choice and when there are better or adjunctive measures that must be undertaken quickly to save your patient. It all starts with coming to an accurate diagnosis. Often in real world practice this is hard to do as multiple states can co-exist, iatrogenic factors obfuscate, and no one piece of data is the be all end all. As with most things in medicine, you have to piece together the data to form the picture. This article reviews the pathophysiology, shares a hemodynamic chart, and overviews how to differentiate shock states.

Clinical Pearls:What’s up with the lactate?
In 2001 a research article was published expounding early goal directed therapy as a treatment strategy for sepsis. Key points in the article suggest that physical exam findings are subpar for directing resuscitation and that measures such as lactate, SCVO2, base deficit, and pH are more accurate measures of adequate treatment. There were certainly other factors, and the take home message was to find the source and start antibiotics early, but volume resuscitate until tissue hypoxia improves was the practical application of this research. As a result lactic acidosis has become a bad omen to be feared by all. Several guideline updates have since been published, the most recent in 2021 with weak evidence to suggest using lactate as an end-point measurement. Practically speaking though, the word is out that a high lactate = bad bad badness. I’m not saying it isn’t bad, but there are plenty of reasons why an elevated lactate alone is not the end of the world. In this post we’ll discuss causes for lactate elevation, what should be cause for alarm and what shouldn’t, and how to manage it.

Provider Decision Fatigue
One of the best perks about leaving bedside was the reduced physical strains. No more tired back and aching knees. No more needing to sleep for a solid day following a stretch of work shifts. That was the expectation at least. The universe quickly let me know how mistaken I was. Not because of aches and pains, but mental exhaustion. The day after work stretches were still demanding of recuperation but for very different reasons now. I would race through each work day, moving from one set of problems to the next, trying to outrun the fear of making a mistake. It was exhausting. And after I left for the day, the endless rehashing of all the hard choices I made and the associated burden left me in a hazy state of indecision for even basic life decisions. Chicken or fish? Can the youngest go for a sleepover tonight? Should I shower or just go straight to bed??? The inability to make rational decisions after a long day at the hospital (especially in the beginning) was unexpected. It’s something I talk to training and new NPs about a lot, because in my mind, if you are aware of it you will experience less isolation and imposter syndrome. In this post I’ll talk about what it is, why it’s so bad in this new role as a nurse practitioner, and what you can do about it.

Clinical Pearls: Weird COPD Labs
I recall sitting in my ninth grade biology class and feeling awed at how perfectly our bodies are designed. It is infinitely complex at baseline - just keeping the status quo. True magic happens when badness ensues and the body begins to change it’s patterns to compensate. Must. Keep. Things. Going. It’s amazing to me. That’s the moment I knew I would go into the healthcare field.
To this day I remind myself that just because modern medicine offers the capability to tweak things, sometimes the best thing we can do is just stay out of the way. First, do no harm. It’s tough though, because when things are hitting the fan, the instinct is to look at a set of patient problems and try to optimize them. If you fail to recognize when an abnormal finding is actual a new normal in a chronically abnormal person you may jump to fix things, unintentionally worsening things. That’s a heavy use of the noun things, but you get what I’m putting down right?
COPD is a perfect example of this phenomenon so in this post I will discuss the normally abnormal derangement’s that can occur in a patient with COPD. Why they occur, how to interpret them, when to intervene, and when to leave them alone.

Mentors: Game Changers?
What is the most insightful thing someone ever told you? When I try to narrow down my answer to this I struggle. I lost my mom when I was twenty four years old. It was traumatizing and also character building. She was my mentor in all ways and without her presence I have struggled in my life, particularly with making hard decisions. Thankfully I have had some career-guiding, life-changing people come into my life at exactly the right moments. The story I share most often is in regards to deciding to go back for a masters degree. A friend of my moms (who happened to be a nurse at the hospital where I worked) said “Briana, what’s your hangup?” I told her the big issue was the burden I would put my husband and children through for two straight years. Especially the girls who wouldn’t see as much of me. Her response “Honey, two years will pass whether you are in school or not, where do you want to be in two years? And what will teach your girls more, being present for all the events or role modeling how hard things are done?”
Okay universe, I hear ya.
In this post I will discuss the difference between a mentor and a coach, what they can offer you, how to find one, and how to make the most of your time.

When Should You Start Job Applications
January…the month following December graduation. It’s a joyous time, and you absolutely should be celebrating. But what comes next? What I see across the nurse practitioner forums and social media are two big concerns: board exams and job acquisition. I wrote about board certification and how to prep for this a few weeks ago; today I’d like to focus on a topic that I think half the people are getting wrong. That is timing for job application. Many NP students ask when is the right time and the responses are mixed. On a recent post I tallied it was completely split 50/50. Half the people felt you should apply while in school and half felt you should wait until exam and licensing is complete. My argument is that if you are waiting until the latter you are behind the eight ball. Statistically speaking, I know this is likely to stress out half of you and that is not my goal. Hear me out, there are many reasons why I advocate for earlier efforts. Let’s talk about job applications.

Nurse Practitioner Boards Preparation
After one has achieved the degree, put in the herculean effort to study, stressed beyond reason, hyper-fixated on all the possible outcomes, and then stood in this place of last minute test anxiety, bargaining with one’s maker is where you may find yourself. Based on the conversations I have with NP students I precept and online / via my mentoring business, I can confidently say only a tiny fraction of new grads are immune to this fear. There are some things out of our control as a neophyte, but boards preparation is not one of them. Taking control of how you ready yourself for this exam definitely impacts anxiety level as well as success rate. In this post I will discuss the best way to prepare for your nurse practitioner board certification exam

Clinical Pearls: Liver Failure
Oh the ways the liver can fail. As a new nurse practitioner this one was hard to get down. Cardiology is generally seen as the bee all end all when it comes to keeping our bodies running, but I’d like to talk about the under appreciated liver. Hepatology is fascinating because the normal function of the liver is supremely multi-faceted. Throw in a little pathology and any number of pathways can be deranged and within those any degree of severity can be seen. From acute to chronic to acute-on-chronic, severity can run the gamut. Decompensated cirrhosis is a common killer in most ICU’s. Given how poorly understood this disease state is, I’d like to talk about the complexity, progression, prognosis, and management of liver failure in the intensive care unit.

Mistakes To Avoid On Your Resume
I’ve seen a fair number of nurse practitioner resumes in my day. Seems like my large group is always cycling through new hires. In addition to that I look at all the resumes that come through for my consultation/interview prep business. It’s interesting to me the variety of what folks are doing across the nation. When I wrote my first NP resume I assumed we all heard the same HR lecture and wrote them the same. Most people have professional looking resumes but there are some industry specific issues that I find am repeatedly addressing with clients. In this post I’ll discuss the most common mistakes I see on the nurse practitioner resume.

Clinical Pearl: Status Asthmaticus
Not a common problem in most ICU’s, but you do get the occasional severe case of asthma. When you do, it can get a little hairy. Mostly because these are generally young people and there’s only so much you can do. Sort of like Covid when it gets bad, there’s not much to offer. You provide the medicine, the supportive devices and wait for their bodies to heal themselves. Same with asthma, you order the standard treatment and then pray it doesn’t get to a point where you have to intubate. In large part, our primary goal in ICU asthma is to not make them worse with counter-intuitive ventilator strategies. Let’s talk asthma.

Toxic Workplaces And What to Do About Them
I talk to a fair amount of nurse practitioners who are in a space of indecision. My goal is to help them sort out what will best serve their {whole} life goals. It’s always about balancing work-life factors with career goals. Some of them are considering leaving the profession and going back to the bedside or doing something else altogether. Some are coming to me seeking interview/job acquisition help and what we discover is that their confidence has been wrecked by a unhealthy work environment. I’d be willing to bet many of you have experienced this in the past or are stuck in this situation currently. It’s truly a sad state of affairs these days particularly for nurse practitioners. In this article I wanted to talk about this phenomenon and what some options may be for you.

The Best Nurse Practitioner Podcasts
Are you an avid auditory learner? I’m slightly obsessed with podcasts. I tend to go on benders based on what is going on in my life. I listened exclusively to travel podcasts for eighteen months when I planned a European trip a few years ago. I have always liked to use podcasts as an adjunct to my professional education as a nurse practitioner. IMO it’s hard to utilize them exclusively just because the search functions are not as robust (there’s a lot to dig through to find one talk about a subject like normal labs, etc) and the content is long. But, once you find a quality show that addresses your specific population it’s great to listen to on a more regular basis (versus a search approach). The nuggets of wisdom you can garner from these discussions can greatly impact your practice. You may have to be willing to wait for them, but if you were going to be doing the dishes anyway, why not multi-task? In this post I will share my favorite podcasts (which are mostly ICU): what I love about them and how I use the info in my career as an ICU nurse practitioner.