Critical Care Education …
On Your Terms.
Educational material dedicated to helping you level up your ICU skills.
What It Is:
A library of 24 educational videos with associated lecture slides and adjunct templates/visual aids teaching provider management of the acute patient.
How It Is Different:
Teaching style begins with a brief review of pathophysiology so that you can understand the why before the how. Most lectures include a case study and focus on application.
Presentation style is dynamic and casual - I despise attending lectures where an academic reads words from a power point.
Evidence based with reference links as well as a focus on the most helpful resources to add to your arsenal.
Who It Is For:
Ideal for anyone new to ICU level of care. The content is focused on patho-physiology and management and is intended to train new ICU providers.
Members have included nurses, respiratory therapists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, EMS providers, even a medical resident.
Now converted to a vault containing instant access to 24 video lectures, PDF slides, templates, visual aids. At this time there are no live lectures.
The limitations of a typical non-cardiac ICU nurse practitioner
Case Study
Rhythm review including diagnosis, handling emergencies, when to get a 12 lead and what to do with it, cardioversion, anti-coagulation, other medical/device management, and when to phone a friend.
Bradycardia / Sick Sinus Syndrome
VT & VT storm
PVCs and other intermittent irregular beats
Best resources
How To Choose The Right Fluid Type, Rate, & Site of Administration By Diagnosis
Resuscitation ≠ Maintenance
Case Study
How Fluids Move
Oncotic/Hydrostatic Pressures
Electrolyte Impact
Crystalloid vs Colloid
Each Fluid Type & Their Effect On ECF/ICF Electrolytes & Volume Shifts
Indications v Contraindications
A Bit About Access
Case study
Understanding the mechanism of action with CPAP and Bipap devices
Breakdown of the interface variables and what they mean
Discussion of indications for and limitations of use
Absolute and relative contraindications
Delineation of modes, deciding what mode to use for initial set up
How to perform the follow up evaluation
When hypercarbia is expected and how to handle it
Evaluating pt response and knowing when to intubate
The progression of pathophysiology in acute alcohol ingestion -> alcohol dependency -> alcohol withdrawal
Case Study
How to diagnose ETOH w/d and assign severity
Disposition - where your pt. will be best served/safest
Neurotransmitter targeted approach
Supportive Care
Why CIWA protocols suck
Airway concerns
Identifying The Source (Upper v Lower)
Quality of bleeding and degree of concern
Hematologic considerations
Limitations of H/H results - how to interpret with clinical context
Coagulopathy reversal
TEG guided resuscitation
Diagnosing etiology
Risk Stratification: Ok for floor admission | ICU admit | All hands on deck emergency
Pillars of Mgt
Emergent Steps
Medical Management
Interventions for source control and who does what
This lecture will discuss THE MOST COMMON problem we treat in any ICU: The dreaded sepsis. Antibiotics are complicated and rely heavily on an individualized approach. For me, understanding proper coverage became easier once I took a reverse engineering approach. Starting with identifying the common problems we treat (PNA, UTI…), what organisms tend to cause these infections, the resistance profiles we need to be cognizant of covering, and pt co-morbidites that impact drug selection.
How to identify when de-compensated HF has progressed to cardiogenic shock
Why cardiogenic shock is a self-perpetuating cycle of badness (brief pathophys review)
Delineation of the two(-ish) categories of cardiogenic shock
How it differs from other forms of shock
Management Steps 1-5
Inotropes / Mechanical support
Types of HF: Left v Right, Systolic v Diastolic
Common causes
When to hold goal directed medical therapy
How to evaluate severity from an organ system approach
Management pillars
Cardiogenic shock and mechanical support will be covered in the lecture following this
Brief review of pathophysiology and causes
ARDS discussion
Step1-3: Assessment of patient, medications, recent events, or changes in plan of care that have impacted this decline
Step 4: Assessment of imaging (POCUS, XR, CT)
Step 5: Assessment of ventilator and other equipment, what the data on the vent can elucidate. Alarms, peak/plateau pressures
Step 6: Chart review/further narrowing of differentials
Step 7-8: Developing an action plan and reevaluating
What constitutes a pressor, an inotrope, and other medical agents used to treat hypotension
Shock vs hypotension with basic physiology review
Breakdown of adrenergic receptors
Classification, MOA, indications, dose, pros, cons, and tips for each of these drugs:
Levophed, Epinephrine, Vasopressin, Neosynephrine, Milrinone, Dobutamine, Dopamine, Isuprel, Angiotensin II
This lecture includes a visual aid download under the PDF archives section.
Discussion of the 5 phases of post cardiac arrest syndrome to help you anticipate the “what comes next when” plan.
Focusing on etiology of the arrest, which tests still need to be ordered, and what you should do about common causes.
Post-stabilization fall out: which organs are going to fail when and how do you handle this.
TTM discussion: current evidence and pros/cons of cooling.
When and how to prognosticate.
Tips for handling the family/POA.
As a provider you have many roles to fill in a cardiac arrest situation, which when you are new, can feel overwhelming in the heat of the moment. This lecture will walk you through the step-wise approach to organizing your thoughts, interventions, and management of the coding patient.
How your role as the provider is different
Pros/Cons and timing of procedures you may need to perform
How to command the room and limit the chaos
How to determine etiology
Immediate management
The key to teasing out what to do or not do is to understand the difference between the normal-abnormal state and the abnormal-normal state. In this lecture we will talk about the following conditions in regards to establishing etiology, steps to take for treatment, when to leave them alone, when to worry, and when to panic:
Sodium Derangements
Learn the proper way to set up your room/equipment.
Define the steps involved with establishing multiple plans and creating a team approach.
Discuss drug selection.
Identify the common high risk intubation situations, and what you can do to mitigate complications/prevent cardiac arrest.
Metabolic Acidosis
Determining the diagnostic class of respiratory failure.
Disease states and a brief review of which phase of ventilation and impaired gas exchange is affected.
Review of the pertinent data/exam used. Do you need an ABG? What invalidates a VBG?
Determining etiology and why this is the cornerstone to developing a plan.
Options which could defer intubation.
Global perspective on diagnosis + prognosis in conjunction with pt GOC to establish what actions need to happen and in what order.
A brief review of the types of agitation.
Emotional vs physical causes, common etiologies andhow to differentiate your problem.
Step 1: Identifying and managing emergencies.
System based exam, review of recent events, labs, diagnostics, and vital signs data and how these narrow the differential.
Focused/ideal management for your specific patient.
The goal: evidence based; focused selection of the most appropriate plan of care for what you are combating.
A discussion on the nature of agitation.
Analysis of the neurotransmitters/receptors involved in agitation.
Drugs presented: Precedex, Propofol, Versed, Phenobarbital, Ketamine, Typical and Atypical Anti-psychotic options, PRN options.
Indications, mechanism of action, dosage, adverse reactions, considerations for use, benefits.
The goal: Evidence based; focused selection of the most appropriate medication regimen for what you are combating.
Brief ABG review.
Case studies involving HPI, vitals, labs, imaging, ventilator interfaces, and other info.
ID primary disturbance
Discuss expected compensation
What is the diagnosis driving the ABG derangement
What is your plan
The goal here is illustrating application of ABG mastery. Ultimately an ABG is just a tool to point us in the right direction.
ABG Mastery AND Application
Interpretation overview - made super fast.
Why the data you’re looking at may not be accurate.
Focus on compensatory mechanisms, how to determine if the pt is doing so on their own; if they need support and how urgently.
Differential diagnosis development and how ABG’s assist.
What to do about the acid base disturbance. APPLICATION is the key.
Case studies including lots of ABG print outs. Our goal is to speed up the assessment and plan process related to ABG’s.
Deep overview of how to relate similar modes regardless of what manufacturer your institution uses.
Suggested resources for those who want to go a little deeper in understanding mechanisms, asynchrony and pt complications while on vent.
Mode Taxonomy
Control Variable
Breath Sequence
Target Scheme
Do we want the machine to adapt to pt feedback?
Pros/Cons to each mode.
The four main classifications of modes: PCV vs VCV, IMV, Pressure Support/CPAP, and adaptive modes.
Why is it so confusing?
Best way to learn - step by step approach
Suggested resources
Vent scavenger hunt
Breaking down the components you see - machine (set/independent variables) and pt (dependent variables) + numerical vs graphic display
Intro to waveforms and what they represent
Intro to pressures
Our own vent scavenger hunt
Review of chest anatomy and physiology
When your film is trash and how to shift your interpretation
ABCDEF approach…
Common pathology and what to do about it
Case Studies presentation
Pathophysiology Review
Suggested Resources / Recommended Pocket Guides
Hemodynamics Overview of Shock States
Case Studies
Recent Lectures…
Templates Created For The Lectures
Learning to write notes is a difficult trajectory.
Watch this quick video to see how mastering your own EMR’s built in technology will serve you well in regards to gaining traction with your growth.
These books are a how-to for H&P note writing. But they are so much more than that. They include a copy/paste ready dotphrase for the most commonly encountered problems in critical care as well as a teaching section for each problem. A “behind-the-scenes” if you will, sharing what I teach NP students about the pathophysiology, forming a differential diagnosis, and developing an evidence-based treatment plan.
The Ultimate H&P Cheatsheet
The Ultimate H&P Cheatsheet Companion
Buy both books in physical and electronic formats and save $$$
⭐️ Testimonials ⭐️
"As a new NP it can be difficult navigating documentation and feeling overwhelmed. I was first introduced to the H&P Cheatsheet while I was in my critical care rotation, and it has been a lifesaver for me! Documenting my pt encounters would take me forever, and with the cheatsheet I'm able to focus my time back on my patients. Highly recommend!
“The H&P cheetsheet has helped me tremendously. Not only do these cheatsheets help with my documentation but build and reinforce a thought process."
“Thank you for this. I need to tell you your cheatsheet has changed my life. I have one year of being a hospitalist NP but transitioned to the ICU 12 weeks ago and am suffering from imposter syndrome. I absolutely appreciate you."
Seelina L.
Case Study
Favorite adjunctive resources
Brief physiology review
S/S of high and low sodium levels and assigning severity
Diagnosing the type of derangement
Narrowing the etiology differentials
When to treat and when to leave them alone
How to treat
Pitfalls to avoid in management
When to consult nephrology